Phone Number

+1 (905) 937-4585

For your convenience, we offer direct billing with insurance providers affiliated with Telus eClaims portal, Sunlife and Greenshield Canada.

Some Additional Considerations

All massage therapy services we provide at Integrated Health have the potential to be covered by insurance. However, there are other factors and potential insurance plan limitations which will determine if we are able to charge your Insurance Company directly. 
We recommend that you call your insurance company first and ask the following questions:
  • Does your plan allow a Registered Massage Therapist to charge directly to the insurance company and are massage therapy services covered under your plan?
  • Will the funds go to the service provider or the insured member?
  • Does your insurance company require a doctor's note to get reimbursed for your massage treatment?
  • When is the start and finish of your benefits plan?
  • How much does the member get per year, per family member?
  • Is there a percentage or set amount that is paid per treatment?
At the time of your appointment, we will attempt to bill your primary insurance plan. Fortunately, we are able to find out right away if your treatment is covered and how much your plan reimburses you. Even though your Insurance Company allows direct billing there is a chance your treatment could get audited. If this situation occurs, you will be responsible to pay for your treatment and a receipt will be issued to you for payment.
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