Phone Number

+1 (905) 937-4585

We have some good news! It is important that you read this in its entirety so that you understand our clinic’s new procedures moving forward.  

We recently received notice from our governing body that Registered Massage Therapy in Ontario can commence again with a gradual reopening of our services. Gradual return to practice does not mean that we will be opening back at full capacity just yet. Our priority will be to accommodate those that require urgent care first and as things progress, we will open up our schedule to accommodate online booking hopefully by mid July. If you feel that you require urgent care, please email us at or call us at 905-937-4585 and leave a message and we will contact you to make arrangements. At this time, appointments will be limited to 30, 45 and 60 minutes.  

Depending on the successful procurement of supplies, our aim is for a June 14th reopening. Any appointments booked prior to this date will be automatically cancelled. Kristen will not be treating at the moment while she is still working at the hospital but upon request can refer her patients to any of the other RMTs returning to work in her absence. Lisa, Dana, Hannah and Yvonne will be returning to work at a limited capacity. 


New Policies and Procedures  (subject to change as Ministry of Health and CMTO guidelines change)  

1. While we have always upheld a high standard for cleaning and sanitizing with government approved products, there are additional protocols mandated by Public Health that we will be following in respect to sanitization. These procedures are charted accordingly to ensure no areas of our clinic are missed.  

2. Prior to your appointment date, you will be contacted by our clinic to ask you pre-screening questions in relation to COVID-19. Based on the answers provided, your RMT will determine whether you are eligible to come in for treatment or if it is advisable for you to get tested.  

We know that many of you are anxious to be treated but in order to ensure the safety of our therapists, their families and other patients that we will be treating, it is very important that your pre-screening questions are answered as truthfully as possible. Your honest assessment of your risk of exposure to COVID-19 is crucial in helping us prevent the community spread of COVID-19. You will be screened again when you arrive at your appointment to ensure your health status has not changed. If you feel unwell or someone you have been in contact with tests positive for COVID-19, please call us to cancel your appointment.  

3. Please arrive wearing your own cloth reusable mask or surgical mask. Your mask must be worn at all times. This includes during the treatment and after. If you forget to bring your own mask, we will provide you with one at a minimal cost. Your therapist will also be wearing a mask and potentially other protective equipment for the duration of your visit.  

4. Please do not come too early for your appointment. Wait outside the clinic or call us from your car upon your arrival to be let in. You will be asked to clean your hands and don your mask and if there is no paperwork for you to fill out, you will be moved immediately to the treatment room. Unless you require assistance, please come to your appointment alone.  

5. When your massage is complete, we will have a debit machine with tap feature set up for you to use. We are not accepting cash at this time.

As we monitor how this gradual reopening of services affects the community as a whole, we will continue to be following the direction of the CMTO and Ministry of Health, until we are notified that we can return to a more normal treatment schedule. We greatly appreciate your patience over these past few months and are looking forward to treating you once again!  

The Integrated Health Team

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