This year has brought about many changes at Integrated Health. We rebranded with a new logo and website, installed new floors in our treatment rooms for easier sanitation, and of …

As this year comes to a close, we thank you.

Price Increase
Please be informed that there will be an increase in all treatment prices of $5 per treatment, effective January 2021. Thank you for your continued support!

What To Expect When You Come In For Treatment
Important changes for your visit due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Important Update – We’re Reopening!

Temporary Closure of Integrated Health
Due to Covid-19, our clinic remains closed until the Ministry of Health deems it safe for us to practice again. We will update accordingly when we have further news. Please …

Welcome to Our New Website!
We are excited to be launching some new things for the clinic which includes a new website, email address ( and booking software with Schedulicity. The booking software has an …